Sunday, May 27, 2012

Star Wars’ Coolest Gadgets — And Their Real-World Analogs

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Blasters, robots, holograms. There are probably a hundred different awesome technologies featured in George Lucas’ first foray into the intergalactic, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Some are totally out there and still hundreds, if not thousands, of years away. But some of the gadgets presented in the film have made their way into the real world in one form or another.

So to celebrate Star Wars' 35th anniversary the Gadget Lab way, we decided to gather nine of our favorite pieces of tech from a galaxy far, far away and see how they compare with their real-world equivalents.



If you watched last week’s podcast (hint: if you haven’t, you should check it out) you’ll know that Luke’s trusty weapon, the lightsaber, is real now – well, in some capacity.

Wicked Lasers’ LaserSaber is, for all intents and purposes, a lightsaber. It's got a 32-inch-long polycarbonate wand fused to an aircraft-grade aluminum hilt. You plug one of Wicked Lasers' Spyder 3 lasers into the hilt, and voila, a lightsaber.

Unfortunately, this lightsaber isn’t going to be slicing through Sith lords anytime soon – in fact, Wicked Lasers doesn’t recommend you use a LaserSaber for fencing or sword play at all. Laser weapons in general are still in the research phases. But if your opponent stared directly into it, you could inflict some retinal damage. Yowch!

In this scene, Luke sees and wields a light saber for the first time.

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