Saturday, August 4, 2012

Windows 8 Built-In Apps Revealed in Screenshots

Just a day after Microsoft announced that the final build of Windows 8 had been released to manufacturers, those eager for the upcoming desktop OS have sleuthed out screenshots of built-in apps including Xbox SmartGlass, Bing, Camera and more.

The images were first posted to the Neowin forums and further expanded by LiveSide. The shots appear to show the final design for many of Windows 8′s stock applications. Some of the apps, like Mail, don’t look like they’ve changed much. But the People app seems to have gotten a significant design change with new Social and Favorites tabs and removed What’s new and Me tabs. These screenshots also give us a first peek at the Bing search app and the Xbox lineup including SmartGlass, Games (no longer LIVE Games), Music and Video.

Even classic Windows games like Solitaire and Minesweeper get a makeover.

Missing from the available screenshots are the News, Sports and Travel apps that Microsoft debuted in the last public version of the OS, Windows 8 Release Preview. And of course, since these are only screenshots, it’s hard to divine many, let alone all, of the improvements and changes (or bugs, for that matter) to expect in the final version of Windows 8.

At least what we can see is that Microsoft is consistently sticking to its clean-cut Metro design language (or, whatever it will be called if the word “Metro” is on the way out). And it looks beautiful. See it for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments.



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