Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jelly Bean OTA for Canadian Samsung Galaxy S3's to start arriving Dec. 3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean

*Update* Make that December 3rd. See, this is what happens when Google removes December.

If you're the proud owner of a Canadian Samsung Galaxy S3, you're wait for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean will soon be over. Samsung Canada has now taken to Twitter to let it be known that Jelly Bean OTA's for Canadian variations will begin to roll out starting Monday, December 3rd. Sadly, no carriers were noted in the announcement so there is no telling where it will arrive first but at least we know when to start checking for updates. We'll be keeping our eyes on this one and let you all know when we start seeing them arrive. Sidenote: Samsung says they're still waiting to hear about the Galaxy Note and Galaxy SII update.

Source: Samsung Canada



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