Sunday, February 17, 2013

Apple's suppliers: an interactive map

Apple's suppliers: an interactive map

While Apple's relationship with Chinese factories came under fire last year, and their processor and glass manufacturing in the U.S. came up as a result, there's a lot more to their logistics than just those two places. To that point, ChinaFile has put together an interactive map, compiled from Apple's 2013 supplier's list, showing just where all the components and materials from all our iPhones, iPads, iPods, Macs, and related accessories and peripherals come from, and how much.

Neither China watchers nor Apple watchers will be particularly surprised to note that the vast majority of Apple suppliers happen to be in Asia. In fact, out of the 748 listed, more than 600 are in Asia. Of these, 331 suppliers are in mainland China.

Check it out, and see where what you're holding in your hands, using on your lap, or looking at on your desk, originated.

Source: ChinaFile



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