Thursday, June 21, 2012

Now Here’s a MacBook Pro That’s Easy to Repair

The 2012 MacBook Pro gets undid by iFixit. Image: iFixit

Apple is a master of engineering efficient, super-compact component configurations. The only downside is that packing all those parts inside a notebook makes it incredibly difficult to remove them on your own if something gets damaged.

Fortunately, the 2012 MacBook Pro doesn’t have that problem. iFixit published its teardown Wednesday, and found the notebook has ample space in which to fit your fingers, and swap parts out. Well, ample probably isn’t quite the right word, but the MacBook Pro does have a number of features that make it more easily repairable than its slender, Retina display cousin.

The non-Retina Pro has a bottom panel that’s easy to remove, and the battery is also readily accessible should you need to swap it out for a new one. The hard drive, optical drive, fans, and RAM are also easy to get at if you want to replace them or expand memory at some point. The “stacked” style RAM slot is 9.15 mm thick — half the thickness of the entire MacBoook Pro.

Inside, it also uses a lot of standard screws to keep things in place, making parts removal straightforward.

iFixit discovered one very notable reason why Apple chose to use an SSD in the Retina Pro over a drive with a rotating platter: The 2.5-inch SATA drive in the non-Retina Pro is about three times thicker than the proprietary SSD used in the Retina display model. That sort of heft just won’t cut it in the MacBook Pro with Retina display’s 0.71-inch chassis.

The 2012 MacBook Pro gets a 7 out of 10 repairability rating, the same score as the 2011 model.

Stackable RAM inside the 2012 MacBook Pro. Image: iFixit



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